Transiting Romania

A few years back I was on my way to Istanbul. I took an overland route from Poland via Ukraine and Romania, where I landed up in Bucharest at 5 a.m. having only  a vague idea of what had to be done. I caught a trolleybus going towards the main train station. I had no ticket, no time to buy it, no language skills, I just didn't bother.
Bucharest, Romania

'How unlucky can I get being in this city for the first time in my life especially at 5 in the morning?!' I got unlucky of course, three gentlemen showed up as soon as we reached second stop. I tried 'I am a tourist' routine but it wasn't of much help. I gave the men some money, green banknote immediately put them in a good mood and they were even nice enough to show me the way to the train station after we all left the bus. They had a good catch eraly in the morning, I guess they went for a drink, but of course I might be wrong.
Bucharest, Romania

Anyways, I had a lot of time to kill before departure of Bosfor Express headed directly to Istanbul, so I wandered in the vicinity of the station taking pictures.

Bucharest, Romania